Friends with ADD (and it's hyperactive cousin ADHD)

Some delightful friends were in town this weekend from the steaming metropolis of Toronto. It was so great to spend even the tiniest bit of time with them as Todd and Robert are two of the most hilarious and beautiful people on the planet, not to mention the sweetest couple ever. They have perfected the art of cute banter where they can get away with little barbs and take shots at each other because they know it's meant entirely in fun. They have developed their own language and they have a little clicky sound that they make if they are in a crowd and want to get the other person's attention. They are constantly aware of each other and let each other know what's going on at any given time (just in case one of them has drifted out - which people with ADD do tend to do.)

Todd is all over the place (due to rampant ADD which, apparently, is helped by massive doses of E once a month...go figure). He can simultaneously carry on a conversation with 3 of the 4 cats in the house, play with matches, change his outfit, create a new business plan, smoke a joint and hire a dog to burn down a hospital. I'm hard pressed to get past my complete incredulity to come up with pithy ripostes to his wild irreverence (but I manage okay).

Robert is one of the most beautiful Italian men ever (women basically throw their cunts at him - in Home Depot no less! - especially when he wears his cute little tam from H & M) and he makes the meanest cup of Italian coffee I've ever had. He's soft spoken but not shy and is just as funny and attentionally challenged as Todd. His style is im-fucking-peccable.

The two of them should have their own blog but according to Todd he would get 3 sentences in and then tell the reader to 'figure it out for yourself'!

I wish more people were as free-spirited as these beautiful men. Love you boys!