25 plus one random yet disarmingly honest things about me

1. i will often eschew capitalization because I'm lazy (technically two things about me).

2. i can’t stand unglazed pottery. i absolutely can not lay hands nor eyeballs on the stuff. it makes me want to claw my own skin off. Gggggeeeeeeerrrrrraaaaaaggggggrrrrrraaaaaahhhhh!

3. i am a safe, competent, defensive driver but as soon as i have to park or back up it’s like i’ve never driven a car in my entire life before.

4. i love to cook but i don’t do it as much as i would like and nothing i make ever tastes as good as i want it to.

5. i secretly wish i was a writer.

6. i would like to think of myself as a tough, kickassy chick who could smash a face, if need be, but in reality i bruise like a peach which is a constant source of embarrassment to me.

7. i hate it when people tell me all about the book they’re reading and then insist on lending it to me even when i don’t appear interested. i end up resenting the book the entire time it’s in my reluctant possession and i usually don’t read it. yet i love to tell people all about what i’m reading and then try to lend my book to them.

8. i’m really bad at life. i’m in debt, i don’t clean the house or do my laundry enough, i have no personal filing system, i haven’t done my taxes in three years, the list goes on and on and yet i’m uber capable and organized at work. i am slowly shifting my work focus to my home life and i’m optimistic that in around 7 years or so i expect to be good at life.

9. i almost always wear black and the color black dictates my consumerism habits in general but my favorite color is orange.

10. i strive to always be on time.

11. i want everyone to like me all the time and i use humor to accomplish this. sometimes it works and sometimes i just end up looking like an asshole.

12. i will often attempt to recycle comedy stylings well after their due date has expired.

13. i hate it when people/friends get weird with me for unexplained reasons or for reasons which, even when explained, make no goddamn sense.

14. my superhero power is validating others. i’m very validaty.

15. i often make up words that have no business in the english language.

16. i love little things. baby trees, barbie accessories, newborn’s shoes, etc. because they make me feel HUGE.

17. i made my own tarot deck. it’s weird and dark and quirky and funny and it has nothing at all to do with the actual tarot. ask me to give you a reading!

18. i positively adore quirky, witty, clever people who can be smart and ridiculous at the same time.

19. i like baseball and hockey and i enjoy watching competitive sports in a social environment but i hate participating in competitive sports. i hate the pressure of it. even poker raises my blood pressure to an uncomfortable level.

20. i was 32 before i developed a solid work ethic.

21. i own several weapons.

22. i brush my teeth in the shower.

23. i’ve had whiplash like, i don’t know, 17 times.

24. i like cereal but hate milk.

25. i am not nearly as confident as most people think i am and i pretty much need constant validation.